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Own Your Success: Set Your Goals Before Your Boss Does!

The New Year is coming up. Have you started thinking about your work goals for next year?  Setting concrete goals will be critical to your success. However, the goal settings process can take months.  In fact, in some organizations, it’s not uncommon for frontline employees to receive their annual goals as late as March or early April. 

If you’re in a leadership role, you may be tempted to delay developing your strategy for the year until these targets have been received—but why wait? Do it now! 

You already know 80-90% of what you need to do in the year ahead. You know the demand, what costs need to look like, and the improvements you need to make. Use that information to set your goals now Then, when organization targets are finally cascaded, you’re ahead of the game.  Simply take the goals and plans you have been working on, fit them into your company’s template, and align with the organizational targets. 

A key part of your goals for the year should include a continuous improvement strategy.  Need some help getting started? Here are a few things we recommend including: 

  1. Do a needs analysis. In order to improve, you need to know where the pain points are. Use a Value Stream Map to identify waste and streamline your processes.  

  2. Schedule your Kaizen events. Use the information gained from your needs analysis to schedule dedicated time to tackle those issues.   

  3. Start a training schedule. Make sure those involved in your Kaizen events are prepared to participate through proper training.  

  4. Begin the change management process:

  5. Layout the next 6 months at a high-level 

  6. Get granular for the next 30, 60, and 90 days 


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